Beginning Somatic Enneagram Work


Inner work, what is it?

Inner work: what is it? A quick google search might return something like this, “Inner work is a reflective practice that involves mental activities focused on your inner or shadow world to achieve a purpose or result. It can help you get to know yourself, increase your awareness, and build more trusting relationships.”

But what does that really mean? It is pretty vague to say you hope to achieve a purpose or a result. What would it really mean to do inner work that would transform you from the inside out?

There are many modalities in use today for inner work, specifically work that is connected to somatic embodied work. You may know these as internal family systems, EMDR, somatic experiencing or focusing. As a certified faculty member who works with the Marion Gilbert Method of the Somatic Enneagram ™ I am offering one-on-one sessions for your own inner work. 


How Does The Enneagram Create Transformation?

Most people who have a level of Enneagram knowledge are referring to the “Enneagram Of Personality.” This is the conversation you overheard at a cocktail party or in an HR conversation at work. This part of the Enneagram is based on different personality characteristics, typing your co-workers, family and friends, and then all of you leaning into that framework as who you really are. Many knowers of the Enneagram believe this is the work, to be aware of the tendencies of their pattern or ego and maybe learn how to tame them . 

Recognizing your patterns using  the Enneagram of Personality is just the beginning. The undercurrent patterns of life (aka your Enneagram type) are not meant to explain who you are. This is where the transformational work can begin. We can not only notice the patterns that run unconsciously in our lives but we can learn to release their hold on us. 

By working with the Marion Gilbert Method of the Somatic Enneagram we can wake up to the true life we really want to live. This work creates a life lived in the present, awareness of one’s own deep truths and a peaceful approach to each day. This will take place over time and will be met with resistance, but it is possible.


What Will You Be Doing?

The Gilbert Method of the Somatic Enneagram is a presence practice that invites inquiry, connection, and communication with your intuitive, emotional, and logical ways of being in the world. The method interacts with the Enneagram teachings on defense mechanisms, awareness practices, and habits of attention for each type. By waking up to the discernment of ego and essence, we can learn who we are in our deepest places. Engaging with all three centers of ourselves allows us to ease our type patterns which enables us to engage with the world in more open and curious way. By easing type, we can be in the world differently. We can  learn to agree with the essence or divine energies in our lives.



Learn More About Your Facilitator:

Aaron Manes is a Certified Teacher and Faculty Member for the Marion Gilbert Method of the Somatic Enneagram as well as an Accredited Professional with the International Enneagram Association. Aaron is a Spiritual Director, healer, and maker of room for new faith expression. He is a speaker and panelist for new and emerging spaces among multiple denominations and is a preferred Spiritual Director for many non-profits who pursue growth for their members; specifically organizations with a LGBTQ+, Faith Deconstruction and Emerging Leadership emphasis.

Schedule Time To Begin Doing This Work