Working With The Enneagram Of Transformation

The Enneagram, often hailed as a map of the human soul, is a captivating framework that unravels the complexities of our inner world like never before. Its intricate system reveals the underlying motivations that drive our thoughts, emotions, and actions, providing a profound understanding of why we do what we do. Delving beyond surface-level categorizations, the Enneagram paints a vivid picture of our unique personality types, shedding light on our core fears, deepest desires, and automatic defense mechanisms that shape our lives.

As you explore the Enneagram, you'll embark on a fascinating journey of self-discovery and transformation. It offers a gateway to self-awareness, allowing you to peel back the layers and uncover the patterns and habits that may be holding you back from living a truly fulfilling life. Armed with this newfound knowledge, you can begin to break free from self-limiting beliefs and behaviors, fostering personal growth, and embracing your authentic self. However, this transformative process can be greatly enhanced with the guidance of a skilled Enneagram coach who can help navigate the complexities of the Enneagram system, offering personalized insights and strategies tailored to your unique type. By embarking on this enriching journey with a coach, you'll gain invaluable support, guidance, and encouragement as you navigate the path to self-realization and unlock your true potential.

More About Aaron

Aaron Manes is a certified spiritual director and an enneagram teacher. He is also a student of Enneagram teacher Marion Gilbert and is part of the first certification cohort in the Somatic Enneagram in the United States.

Email him at to talk more about working together!

Enneagram Coaching Offerings

It would be an honor for me to work with you on your Enneagram journey. The Enneagram has been the single biggest tool for transformation in my own life. As a coach and spiritual director I get to work with people as they walk through some of the most rewarding inner work they will ever do. It is truly an honor for me. I am currently accepting new clients. Below are what I offer for people on all levels of enneagram work:

  • 1:1 Enneagram Typing Interviews

  • Somatic Enneagram Facilitation

  • 12 Steps and The Enneagram

More About The Enneagram

The Enneagram As A Spiritual Tool of Discernment

The Enneagram is seen as a tool for spiritual growth. Many spiritual traditions view the Enneagram as a way to understand the nature of the human soul and to explore the spiritual path. This is because the Enneagram provides a map of the nine different ways in which the soul can express itself in the world.

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Exploring The Somatic Enneagram

Working with the relationship between personality and the physical body, practitioners of the somatic Enneagram aim to gain a deeper understanding of their clients and help them to address underlying emotional and psychological issues that may be impacting their overall health.

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Who Are The Modern Spiritual Teachers Of The Enneagram?

As the popularity of the Enneagram continues to grow, many modern spiritual teachers have emerged, offering their unique perspectives and teachings on this ancient wisdom system. In this article, we'll explore some of the most prominent spiritual teachers of the Enneagram.

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