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Which Design Style You Should Try, Based on Your Enneagram?

Understanding the Enneagram helps us grasp how personality influences our preferences and behaviors, even in design. By aligning interior design choices with our Enneagram types, we create spaces that reflect our authentic selves. Let's explore expert opinions on what each type needs for spaces to feel like home and what design concept correlates with those needs.

Enneagram Typing The Succession Characters

I took a deep dive into Logan Roy but what about the rest of the family? It is always fun to try to type characters from television or movies. I always have to remember that (1) these aren’t actual people and (2) we cannot truly know someone else’s type (even in real life). Why? Because unlike other personality tests the Enneagram is based more on motivation than on outcomes of personality. Each type carries and energy that a person developed early on and has been living with in all of their years.

Logan's World: Succession, The Enneagram & Transformation

Fr. Richard Rohr says, “If we don’t transform our pain, then we will transmit it.” After watching and rewatching HBO’s hit show Succession, I think this quote must be posted up somewhere in the writers room. These writers have created a show that has no truly likable characters, only people who are tripping over themselves to put someone else down. They are ruthless.

Ted Lasso And The Enneagram

Ted Lasso is a the feel good show of right now. If you are watching it, you are loving it. Each character brings so much to the table. In an ensemble cast, like this one, I am always amazed at how good each character presents. I am pretty much always in awe of television writers and creators. In Ted Lasso, each character is so well written that they present deeply.

Better Questions = Getting Unstuck

The process of deconstruction and reconstruction can have a lot of up’s and down’s. Sometimes in the midst of it, we may just feel stuck. So what do we do when we feel stuck? How do we know if our truest voice is speaking or if it is a voice from our past? I asked Therapist and Spiritual Coach Amanda Waldron to jump into this conversation to help us find new ways and better questions to continue down a healthy reconstruction path.

What Do We Do With Doubt?

A big part of the deconstruction journey begins with doubt. A doubt may be small when it creeps in but real deconstruction happens when you just cannot ignore it any more. In this episode I am talking to Brian Aadland - who is the pastor of Revolution Church in Minneapolis as well as the host of the The Sacred Collective podcast. Brian recently gave a talk about doubt and what scripture has to say about it so I wanted to have him on to hear some of his own story and how he is working to bring purpose to doubt.

What Is Spiritual Direction?

I thought it would be a good opportunity to have my friends and fellow Spiritual Director’s Kim Verriere and Emily Turner on to talk about this with me. Kim and Emily have both been on the podcast before so you can listen back to find out their typologies and a little more about each of them. If you would like to know more about what happens during spiritual direction, what sorts of things are discussed and how working with a trained listener affects your life, then this podcast is for you.

A Prayer For Hope

God of Hope. We come to you on this day, A day we set aside to rest and to experience worship together. We have hope today as we hear the news of a vaccine. We are grateful for the doctors and scientists who continue to work on our behalf. It has been hard to be hopeful.

You Need To Grieve

May we grieve together. When the tears begin, do not try to stop them... cry it out. If you are hurting and angry, sit down today and write it out. Find a journal or open up a google doc and just write it all down. It doesn't have to make sense. If you need to pray today, spend 10 minutes on a silent walk just breathing and then share your grief with your higher power.

A Different Kingdom

When Jesus' followers saw what was going to happen, they said, "Lord, should we strike with our swords?" And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. But Jesus answered, "No more of this!" And he touched the man's ear and healed him.

Why Everything Is Spiritual

In his book “Everything Is Spiritual,” Rob Bell tells us about his grandparents, his college years, the ups and downs of ministry and how he and his wife ended up in California after pastoring a mega-church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In the midst of these stories he is reflecting, listening, and looking for the divine moments, no matter how small they may be. That is the work of spirituality.