All tagged Spiritual Direction

What Do We Do With Doubt?

A big part of the deconstruction journey begins with doubt. A doubt may be small when it creeps in but real deconstruction happens when you just cannot ignore it any more. In this episode I am talking to Brian Aadland - who is the pastor of Revolution Church in Minneapolis as well as the host of the The Sacred Collective podcast. Brian recently gave a talk about doubt and what scripture has to say about it so I wanted to have him on to hear some of his own story and how he is working to bring purpose to doubt.

What Is Spiritual Direction?

I thought it would be a good opportunity to have my friends and fellow Spiritual Director’s Kim Verriere and Emily Turner on to talk about this with me. Kim and Emily have both been on the podcast before so you can listen back to find out their typologies and a little more about each of them. If you would like to know more about what happens during spiritual direction, what sorts of things are discussed and how working with a trained listener affects your life, then this podcast is for you.

A New Earth

What is the meaning of your life? A better question may be, what is making up your life? Eckhart Tolle’s most recent book, “A New Earth” teaches that life is made up of today, this present moment for it is all we have.